In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. This money is given to schools based on the number of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).
At Witham St Hughs Academy, we are completely committed to enhancing pupil achievement and wellbeing for all pupils, irrespective of their personal circumstances. We hold the same high ambitions for all pupils in our Academy, and strive to use our pupil premium funding to remove any barriers to high attainment and engagement.
We seek to meet the needs of all of our pupils through careful analysis of progress data on a termly basis. We then follow the EEF’s tiered approach to pupil premium funding (April 2022) to firstly ensure quality first teaching for all, and design structured, targeted academic or pastoral interventions as appropriate. We ensure wider initiatives are in place to support families with wider aspects of school life, such as uniform, school visits and music lessons.
To view Witham St Hughs Academy’s pupil premium funding and allocation, please click on the link below: