Class Pages

Class structures at Witham St Hughs Academy are designed to provide the best possible education for each and every learner within the academy.

We are currently part way through a planned expansion of the academy. This means that we have 60 pupils in Reception and Year 1; 45 pupils in Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4; and we have 30 pupils in Year 5 and Year 6. 

The links at the side of this page provide more information about each of our classes.


The Reception team is comprised of a team of teachers, Miss Edey and Mrs Hartley, and two teaching assistants, Mrs Dale and Mrs Hensman. We all work together to make your child’s time in Reception the best that it can be!

This Term, our topic is “All About Me”. We will be learning about lots of different sub topics, from Our Senses to People Who Help Us. We will explore many things about ourselves, including who is in our family and all about our bodies and emotions! The children will have the chance to talk about their families and home life and share photos and experiences of these. We will finish the term learning about special celebrations such as Diwali and Christmas.

Our curriculum is organised over the 7 areas of learning from the Early Years Currciulum. The information below gives an insight as to how this applies to our current topic.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will focus heavily on developing our personal, social and emotional skills during the first term. The children will learn about rules and behavioural expectations and why we have them.

Through lots of games, activities and role play, the children will be able to develop self-confidence and awareness through talking about themselves and their interests. The children will have plenty of opportunities to make positive new relationships and develop friendly behaviour with their new teachers and peers.

Communication and Language

In Reception the children will often use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences in play situations. This is encouraged within our exciting role play and small world areas!

Children will learn how to express themselves and speak to others, particularly during Tolerance sessions, showing awareness of listeners’ needs.

During our daily Story Time, children will listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. 

Physical Development

This term, Reception will be taking part in gymnastics, which involves exploring and balancing on the large apparatus as well as learning how to perform simple jumps, rolls and movements.

We will focus heavily on learning how to get changed for PE independently. The children will need to bring their PE kits every week, ready for PE which will take place on a Friday.  

As well as large scale movements, the children will develop their fine motor control by engaging in tasks such as threading, sewing, drawing and writing.


During the first term, Reception will be learning to recognise and form the initial sounds in their daily Phonics lessons. The children will also learn how to blend these sounds together to read and write simple words. 

We will focus heavily on being able to recognise and write our names. 

The children will be taking part in supported 1:1 reading sessions with the adults, and will be encouraged to change their home reading book often. You can support with this by reading with your child regularly at home, and helping them to learn their sight words. 

Story time will occur daily to develop a love for reading!


The children will take part in daily Numeracy sessions, where they will be given opportunities to say number names in order and begin to count  a given set of objects accurately. We will enjoy demonstrating our number skills when singing along to our favourite number rhymes and songs.

During their child initiated time, Reception will learn to sort objects as well as follow and create simple patterns. We will also look at and describe basic shapes in the environment. 

Understanding the World

In Reception we enjoy taking our learning outdoors! Please ensure that your child always has suitable outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather, as they will spend time outside every day.

During this term the children will be learning about their bodies, family and all of the amazing things that make them unique. As part of our People Who Help Us sub topic, the children will learn about different occupations and ways of life. We will also learn about the various celebrations that are celebrated at this time of year. 

The children begin to develop the skills needed to operate simple ICT equipment.  Reception will enjoy learning through using computers, iPads, and other technology.

Expressive Arts and Design

In Reception, we try to make all learning as creative and fun as possible. Many areas of learning will be taught in a creative way!

Daily, the children will encounter opportunities to role play, paint, draw, make music, sing, dance and be imaginative. 

Year 1

In Year 1 we have two classes. Our class teachers are Miss Parker and Miss Hickling. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Marshall and Mrs Robertson. We hope you enjoy looking at our Year 1 page, seeing what we are learning about this term and finding some useful website links too.

This term our topic is: ‘Fire! Fire!’

History, Geography & Science

In history, the children will develop their understanding of the ‘Great Fire of London’ and order events chronologically on a timeline. They will also learn about Samuel Pepys and compare how life has changed since 1666. In geography, the children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate and name the seven continents of the world, the 4 countries in the UK and their capital cities. In science, children will learn to identify, name and compare the properties of a range of everyday materials. The children will also learn to perform simple tests.

The Arts

Children will be focusing on developing their drawing and painting skills this term. When drawing, children will learn to use different pencils to create different shades. They will also learn to talk about the different shapes, lines and patterns within their own and other artists’ drawings. When painting, children will learn to use watercolours, powder paint and ready mix paints effectively. They will also learn to mix two primary colours to create secondary colours. In music, the children will learn to sing a variety of songs with more accuracy of pitch.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons, children will be learning and improving upon their balance and co-ordination in yoga sessions. With their MSP coach, children will be developing their passing and receiving ball skills in football sessions. Please ensure PE kits are in school Monday to Friday. In cookery, children will learn to use cutters to cut out ingredients safely and effectively.


In RE children will develop their understanding of Christianity. They will explore what the Christmas story teaches us about God.

In computing, children will develop ICT skills such as recording, saving and storing sounds. The children will also learn about e-safety and how to stay safe online.

Learning for Life

Children will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term and they will learn about where money comes from and they will understand that different countries use different coins and notes.

In tolerance lessons, children will learn about ‘caring friendships’. They will learn about how to be a good friend as well as exploring different emotions and how behaviour can affect other people.

In French, children will learn to count to ten and greet people politely.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 2

In Year 2 we have two classes. Our class teachers are Mrs Younger and Miss Hales. Miss Houltby is a teaching assistant who works across both classes to support learning. Miss Bownes is a 1:1 teaching assistant working in Mrs Younger’s class. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across a two termlet time period. This page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy having a look at our page!

This term our topic is: ‘Fire! Fire!’

History, Geography & Science

In history, the children will develop their understanding of the ‘Great Fire of London’ and order events chronologically on a timeline. They will also learn about Samuel Pepys and compare how life has changed since 1666. In geography, the children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate and name the seven continents of the world, the 4 countries in the UK and their capital cities. In science, children will learn to identify, name and compare the properties and suitability of a range of everyday materials. The children will also learn to perform simple tests and gather data to answer scientific questions.

The Arts

Children will be focusing on developing their drawing and painting skills this term. When drawing, children will learn to use different pencils to create different shades. They will also learn to talk about the different shapes, textures and patterns within their own and other artists’ drawings. When painting, children will learn to use watercolours, powder paint and ready mix paints effectively. They will also learn to mix two primary colours to create secondary colours. In music, the children will learn to sing a variety of songs with more accuracy of pitch.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons, children will be learning and improving upon their balance and co-ordination in gymnastics. Children will develop their understanding of the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise. With their MSP coach, children will be developing their passing and receiving ball skills in football sessions. Please ensure PE kits are in school Monday to Friday. In cookery, children will learn to use cutters to cut out ingredients safely and effectively.


In RE children will develop their understanding of Christianity. They will explore what the Christmas story teaches us about God.

In computing, children will develop core ICT skills such as changing the size and font of text and open and saving documents. They will also be learning about how emails can be used to communicate with others. The children will also learn about e-safety and how to stay safe online.

Learning for Life

Children will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term and they will learn about where money comes from and they will understand that different countries use different coins and notes.

In tolerance lessons, children will learn about ‘caring friendships’. They will learn about how to be a good friend as well as exploring different emotions and how behaviour can affect other people.

In French, children will learn to count to ten, name colours and greet people politely.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 3

In this year group, Mrs Lill and Miss Johnson are the class teachers. They work with Mrs Smith, Mrs Hampton and Miss Wyles who are the teaching assistants.

On this page, you can find out about the learning that takes place in these classrooms. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across each full term. You can use this page to find out more about the topics we focus on. The page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy having a look at our page!

This term we will be looking at the topic ‘Rainforests’.

History, Geography and Science

In Geography, children will learn about the key locations of the world’s rainforests. Children will have the opportunity to conduct challenges using the 4 points of a compass and use 4 figure referencing to locate places in an atlas. In History, we will investigate the tribes located within specific rainforests using a range of historical sources and delve into the effects deforestation has.

The Arts

In art and design technology this term, children will be focusing particularly on textiles. This will include creating a rainforest creature and building on key life skills, such as threading a needle and stitching. 

This year, music will be delivered by a specialist teacher on a weekly basis. 

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons this term, children will continue to develop a range of core skills through football and dance. They will develop their knowledge of how to apply tactics in a competitive situation and explore the rules of the game. As part of our Healthy Lifestyles curriculum, children will learn the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise.

Learning for Life

To enhance our Life Skills curriculum, children will be taking part in enterprise lessons throughout this term with the goal of creating their own product to sell at the Summer fayre. Each class will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term focusing on risk taking, problem solving, team work and decision making. Children will regularly participate in debates around current news topics and will develop communication and active listening skills through these sessions.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 4

In this year group, Mrs Thwaites and Miss Smyth are the class teachers and Miss Burr is the teaching assistant.

On this page, you can find out about the learning that takes place in these classrooms. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across each full term. You can use this page to find out more about the topics we focus on. The page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy looking at our page!

This term our topic is called ‘Rainforests’.

History, Geography and Science

Throughout this term, children will learn about rainforests. This immersive topic will link learning from many areas of the curriculum: Geography, History, Art, Music, Science and Design and Technology. Children will learn what the key features of a rainforest are, where they are located in the world and what can be found within them. In Science lessons, children will enhance their knowledge of plants. 

The Arts

This term, the children will be developing their knowledge and skills in relation to stitching. They will develop a range of stitching techniques to and will apply these to their own Rainforest themed project.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons this term, children will develop their understanding of football and dance. As part of our Healthy Lifestyles curriculum, children will learn the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise. There will also be an opportunity to learn about nutrition through cookery lessons and food tasting sessions which will be linked to our Rainforest topic.

Learning for Life

To enhance our Life Skills curriculum, children will be taking part in enterprise lessons throughout this term with the goal of creating their own class business. Each class will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term focussing on risk taking, problem solving, team work and decision making. This term we hope to use the money raised from our Enterprise project to save an acre of a rainforest. Children will regularly participate in debates around current news topics as part of our Tolerance curriculum and will develop communication and active listening skills through these sessions. As part of Life Sim, children will learn how to stitch a button onto a shirt and how to safely boil an egg.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 5

In this year group, Miss Parker, Miss Patmore and Miss Riddell are the class teachers and Miss Burr and Miss Gosling are the teaching assistants.

On this page, you can find out about the learning that takes place in these classrooms. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across each full term. You can use this page to find out more about the topics we focus on. The page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy having a look at our page!

This term our topic is called ‘World of Water’.

History, Geography and Science

In Geography, we will be learning about the features of a river, including a first-hand experience at Snipe Dales Nature Reserve. We will also be learning about the water cycle, rivers which pass through major cities and how we can prevent flooding. In History, we will be delving into the history of the River Thames which hosted events such as frost fairs. In Science, Charles Darwin will enlighten us to his theory of evolution. We will be investigating natural selection, observing inheritable traits and finding out about the common ancestors of modern humans. 

The Arts

Throughout this term, children will develop their sewing skills and will be able to talk about a wide range of stitches and sewing techniques. Children will also take part in a waterfall themed project, where they will have the opportunity to make their own felt, adding detail through stitching or weaving.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

In football this term, we will be learning how to pass and recieve a ball with accuracy, use disguise to get past a defender and use appropriate power to pass the ball over a long distance. We will also be developing our skills in dance. As part of our Healthy Lifestyles curriculum, children will learn the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise. There will also be an opportunity to learn about nutrition through cookery lessons.

Learning for Life

To enhance our Life Skills curriculum, children will be taking part in enterprise lessons throughout this term with the goal of creating their own class business. Each class will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term focussing on risk taking, problem solving, team work and decision making. This term we hope to use the money raised from our Enterprise project to donate to a charity who helps with plastic pollution. Children will regularly participate in debates around current news topics as part of our Tolerance curriculum, developing their communication and active listening skills through these sessions. As part of Life Sim, children will learn how to save money through comparison shopping and make a cup of tea or coffee.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 6

Miss Patmore and Miss Riddell are the Y6 class teachers and Miss Gosling is our Y6 teaching assistant. We work together to ensure our children are thoroughly prepared throughout their time in Year 6 prior to their transfer to secondary school.

This term our topic is ‘World of Water’. 

History, Geography and Science

The children will be learning about the water cycle.  They will study rivers around the world and they will research how rivers have been important in history.  In science, they will be covering two topics: Evolution and Habitats.  They will be visiting Snipe Dales Nature Reserve to develop their understanding of rivers.

The Arts

This term, children will be concentrating on working with textiles.    In DT, pupils will be constructing different types of bridges.  In music sessions, they will be listening to and performing music related to rivers and water.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles 

PE lessons this term will focus on football.  Children will also have the opportunity to improve their overall fitness and general athletic skills.

Learning For Life

Children have already taken part in a residential trip to Caythorpe Court PGL Centre.  As well as trying out a range of different activities, they were able to demonstrate their life skills and  their resilience.  Children will also be taking part in financial education sessions and they will also be beginning to think about setting up their own business.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates about what is happening in our academy.