Witham St Hughs Academy strongly believe that pupil voice is a vital element of a successful school. As such, we have several ways in which pupils can share their ideas and opinions about their school and make a real difference.
“This school supports my child’s personal development.” – 100% parents agree or strongly agree.
Parent/Carer Questionnaire – October 2023
Communities Council
Our school communities council is made up of representatives from every class throughout the Academy. Pupils are elected onto the school council by their peers and are expected to attend regular school council meetings and then feedback to their class. Our communities council often choose to raise money for good causes and those less fortunate than themselves as well as initiatives that directly benefit our pupils.
Eco Warriors
Our school Eco Team are elected representatives from each class who care passionately about our environment. They campaign to raise awareness in school about important issues such as recycling, wasting water, the use of electricity and the ‘Global Goals’. The Eco Team care about their community and often go litter picking in the village as well as putting up posters to raise awareness.
Our prefects are a team of specially chosen pupils from Year 6. These pupils have been chosen to represent their peers and support younger children within the Academy due to their exceptional manners, attitudes and personal development. Prefects ensure that our Academy values are upheld and are positive role models on the playground for all pupils.
Ministers for Food
Our Ministers for Food apply to our midday controller for their role and work one lunchtime per week to support our midday team. They help pupils coming in off the playground to ensure their hands are clean before they eat their lunch, ensure younger pupils know the meals they are eating and even help to clean up the hall at the end of lunchtime.
Curriculum Champions
Our Curriculum Champions are a team of pupils who represent their favourite subjects across the Academy. They are advocates for their subjects both in and out of the classroom, speak to teachers and visitors about their subject and help their friends if they get stuck!
Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders work alongside our staff Computing Leaders to ensure that our pupils know how to stay safe online and how to use our computing equipment safely. They keep us up to date on the latest online trends and even run events at Parents Evening!