Policies and Documents


Policies and Documents

Listed below are some of the Academy’s key information and statutory documents. We hope you find this information useful. If you require any further information or a paper copy of any document, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy office team.

Witham St Hughs Academy holds a wide range of further policies. These are available upon request and include:

  • Children in Care Policy
  • Teaching and Learning Policy

Witham St Hughs Academy is consulting on the admission arrangements for the academy for September 2026. The School Admissions Code requires all admission authorities to consult on school admission arrangements every seven years, even if no changes are proposed. No changes are proposed to the admission arrangements Witham St Hughs Academy for September 2026. Please click on the link below to read the full consultation document.

Proposed 2026 Admissions Policy

Consultation opens on Monday 9th December 2024 and closes on Monday 20th January 2025. Any comments should be emailed to [email protected] for the attention of Chair of Governors or posted to Chair of Governors, c/o Witham St Hughs Academy, Muntjac Way, Witham St Hughs. Lincoln. LN6 9WF.